Experience the profound difference with THT Personal Matchmaking, as personalized matchmaking goes far beyond a ‘dating service’. While It’s Just Lunch maintains a corporate approach to matchmaking, matching up hundreds of people a week, our boutique matchmaking service in Wichita offers a very personal and unique way to connect you with genuine, like-minded singles. We are proud to keep a limited list of exclusive clients so that we have the time to devote the attention and care required in crafting every match to your specific tastes and relationship vision.
Discover the difference it makes to deal with a group that concerns itself with quality, not quantity. While It’s Just Lunch would service large quantities through some impersonal matchmaking system, THT Personal Matchmaking is committed to finding out what your specific needs and wants are. Our customized personal approach means that every one of your introductions to local singles in Wichita will be thoughtful and geared toward your objectives and aspirations, building meaningful connections that are so much more than just lunch but a lifelong relationship.
Uncover the personal touch you deserve with THT Personal Matchmaking, and rest assured our boutique service is quite opposite to the impersonal, high-volume nature at It’s Just Lunch. Specialized attention is given to a select number of clients, so the time you will spend meeting your potential matches will also be one where you are supported and engaged in seeking happiness and compatibility. Let THT Personal Matchmaking provide you with truly exceptional matchmaking that caters to your personal journey.